


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Facebook Emoji New Method

i call it Facebook Emoji New Method as the last method to insert emoji emotion on facebook using Feed Dialog or Facebook streamPublish was patched by Facebook about two days a go. Any emoji code sent from feed dialog or Facebook.streamPublish wont show anymore on our wall. But actually, there is still another way to post an emoji emotion to our wall, not even using tag like @[appid:0] or @[appid:].

I have used this method since people used prompt_feed, and the good thing is, Facebook seems to forget to patch this one. Emoji is still working using this method. We can even post to fan pages, but limited to our own pages, meaning that only admin of the fan page can post this emoji to the page. OK, let’s go straight to the solution (temporary solution to be exact) as they will probably patch this method as well soon.

We will use uiserver.php that is usually used by facebook apps to get some certain permissions to their users, below is an example of the connect uiserver.php we can use for posting emoji. Simply click the link below to open a uiserver dialog, you can then paste the emoji code there.
Facebook Emoji Using Connect UIServer

You can add more parameter, like target_id if you want to post to your friend, or actor_id if you want to post to your fan page where you’re the admin. That’s all i can inform for now, i only give you the idea here, you can then develop more with your own facebook application.

Never tired of recommending our app as it’s the easiest way : Facebook Animated Picture. You can easily choose your friend, send to groups or fanpage. The app has just been updated. Please have a try :)

Happy tweaking ;)


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